Friday, October 19, 2012

Day 1 - Weigh-In {Is this real?}

Here it is.  The day I've needed for the last 4 years, has finally come.  This will be my life for the next 24 days.  Advocare 24 day challenge, my scale, journal, and my pink ribbon!

I am about to post my before pictures, but I have to tell you.  I have had extreme anxiety over this.  Am I really going to post pictures that clearly show you how unhealthy and unattractive I am?  Am I really going to post my starting weight without knowing the end results?  What If I lose nothing?  Then I will be humiliated forever.  


There is more to life than a number......  Age?  Weight? Size? Income?  They are all numbers that mean absolutely nothing.  Many of my close friends have numbers that are all over the map.... no one is the same, and those numbers do not define a person.  The truth is, I didn't want to face the truth.  I didn't want to see these pictures, or the numbers.  But I did it, and I'm moving forward. 

If you know me in real life, you know how big I am.  The actual number may shock you, because let me tell you, I am floored with what the scale says.  My before pictures, well I am wearing clothing that I would not be caught dead wearing in public.  I like to hide my flaws, and do pretty well at it.

You have now been officially warned.  The following pictures are not fabulous at all!

 (ignore my husbands photography skills)

 Alright, there you have it.  It's like a walk of shame... and the most painful part is almost over.  Moving on to the second part.  I should also mention that I WILL NOT be fixated on the numbers on the scale.  I will focus on my body and how I feel.  If my clothes start to fall off, I will be happy!

Drumroll please..... "Your starting weight is:"


I am so ashamed of that number you just saw.  There is only one way out... eat healthy, move more, and stick with it!

Today I start my 24 day challenge with Advocare.  For the next 4 days I will wake up and drink a fiber drink, and take various supplements during the day, and take my cleanse tablets at night before bed.  And to get me over my divorce with Starbucks I will drink Spark!  I will eat a clean healthy diet, which will not include and wheat or dairy for the first 10 days.

Other things on the agenda are to dig out some old pictures from storage totes, and to get out my goal outfits.  Yes, I have tubs of goal clothing!

But for today I leave you all with another great song!  Have a good morning!


  1. No matter the "numbers" all of us could use some inspiration to getting healthy, thanks for your example! You've inspired me!! Good luck on your journey - I know you can do it!

  2. I am so proud of you!! You are going to do amazing. You are such an inspiration. :)Let me know what I can do to help!!

  3. Hello I cam over to visit from the Mingle. Can I just tell you that you may not know it but this blog post was very inspirational to me. I have been battling my weight for 7 years now. And I wasn't going to blog about it because like you said I didn't want to mention it and seem like a failure. Or mention it and never do anything about it. This blog post has got me thinking it is worth sharing with my readers. It is worth trying no matter the outcome. I thank you very much for sharing. I am going to follow your blog so I can see how the Advocare 24 day challenge goes for you. I have faith in this program for you, but I also want you to know it doesn't matter what happens. Just focus on what makes you feel good.

  4. Congrats on the first step! I can never post pictures online of my body...we just got our wedding pictures back and I'm having trouble looking at those. You are truly inspiring and your weight loss is amazing! I'm going to check out advocare right now and see if it's for me.

    Keep up the good work!

    1. Hi Kristen! Thank you so much for the sweet comment! So far I am absolutely amazed at the results from the product. I would love for you to check it out and see if it's good fit. I have "looked" at several products out there and this one had the best reviews and seemed the most reaistic to continue long term. So far it is great! I am so excited for my journey, and encourage you to join in with me!!

